North Star
Serving as an anchor of the northern sky, the North Star is a landmark, or sky marker, that helps those who follow it determine their direction. It glows brightly to guide and lead toward an intended destination. It also has a symbolic meaning, for the North Star depicts a beacon of inspiration and hope to many. 
The circle symbol meaning is universal, sacred, and divine. It represents the infinite nature of energy and the inclusivity of the universe. It represents totality, unity, wholeness, the Self, the infinite, eternity, timelessness, and all cyclic movement. 
As a Healing Circle, NorthStar Consulting Circle, Ltd. strives to provide courageous spaces for growth and development. Through supported and purposeful action, individual potential can be transformed, into life-long action and fulfillment.

8-Point Star
Composed of two full circles (wholeness Eight is a symbol of infinity and a constant flow of energy and power. The number 8 is known as the number of balance and harmony. The number 8 meaning relates to every aspect of your life and represents the search for a balance between your physical, mental, and spiritual being. Understanding how to achieve this harmony is an important step along your journey.
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