Leadership Development: One-on-one and group leadership development for those who want to more deeply understand the importance and rewards of creating an organization where individuals feel that they belong, which allows them to work to their full potential.
Heart of Leadership
“The heart of leadership is serving others first, before yourself. Here’s the problem, most organizations operate from a hierarchical leadership structure. Leaders ‘move up’ the ladder in an organization, and, once there, see themselves “above” their team. Most people do not equate leadership to service. Rather than epitomizing humility, influence, and meeting people where they are at, too many leaders think being a leader means power and authority.
Maxwell wrote that his shift into a servant-leadership role happened when ‘[he] started to change his leadership focus to empowering others to do what [he] was doing.’ Servant leaders don’t want to be successful all on their own. Servant leaders are looking to build a team not an empire because they know once they build the team, success follows”.
~John Maxwell, The Heart of Leadership ~