About Rainbow Dialogues
The Rainbow Dialogues is a series of community building conversations demonstrating how LGBTQ history and archival documents from the past are relevant for people today. The Dialogues will reference and contextualize LGBTQ life in Rochester against the backdrop of local and national social justice issues.
The Out Alliance Shoulders to Stand On Program’s 8th Initiative, the Rainbow Dialogues is
presented by the Out Alliance in partnership with the Rochester Public Library Local History and Genealogy Division (RPL), the Friends and Foundation of the Rochester Public Library(FFRPL), ImageOut, Rochester’s globally recognized LGBTQ Film Festival, The College at Brockport, WXXI and community volunteers.
We have received funding from the LGBT Fund of the Rochester Area Community Foundation, the NYS Humanities, the Friends and Foundation of the Rochester Public Library, and financial support from individuals in the community.
To all those who have helped in any way to make the Anthony Mascioli Rainbow Dialogues a success, Shoulders to Stand On, the Out Alliance and its partners THANK YOU for your
support. Your continued support will ensure the Anthony Mascioli Rainbow Dialogues continues
to make the LGBTQ history of Rochester visible and relevant.

Keynote: Intersectionality in Social and Political Change:
A Historical Perspective

Title:  O.W.T.*:  Servant Leadership as Activism
* pronounced “OUT” – One Witness’ Testimony   

Dr. Byrd will his share observations [witnessing], experiences and action [testimony] as a servant leader [behinds the scenes and upfront] within the intersectionality of his identities as a spiritual, gay, Black man.  Starting from social action that impacted change related to the HIV/AIDS epidemic within the black and brown community, to highlights of the installation of a gay church in the Black church tradition that has a social justice ministry [based in liberation theology].

Rainbow Dialogue Keynote

Breakout Sessions

Milo Obourn
Milo Obourn is chair of Women and Gender Studies at The College at Brockport, SUNY. Their research and teaching interests include US literatures, critical race theory, gender and sexuality, disability studies, psychoanalysis, and trauma studies. They are the author of Reconstituting Americans: Liberal Multiculturalism and Identity Difference in Post-1960s US Literature (2011; Palgrave) and Disabled Futures: A Framework for Radical Inclusion (Temple UP, 2019). Their work has also appeared in MELUS; American Literature; Twentieth-Century Literature; Contemporary Literature; Genders; and Psychoanalysis, Culture, and Society.

Paul Scheib
Paul Scheib has been active in the Rochester GLBTQ community for many years.  He served on the Board of Directors of the Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley for many years, serving 2 years as President in the early 1990s.  
Paul was one of the founding members of the Rochester chapter of the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power, and Queer Nation.
In 1989, Paul helped organize Rochester’s first Pride Parade, and continued to serve as Parade Director until 1993.
Paul is currently employed at Trillium Health, where he works as a Physician Assistant.
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